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KLAC 252 Achievement Scheme

The 252 Award Scheme

The 252 award is designed to help you practise your shooting at different distances and recognise your achievements.


After 6 sighters, 3 dozen arrows are shot on a 122cm face at a chosen distance. 

The round can be shot at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 or 100 yards with the aim of scoring 252 or better from a maximum of 324 (alternative scores apply for other bow types than recurve, see below).

 If you achieve the score twice you can claim a badge.

 It is an award scheme in use at many archery clubs in the UK and applies to all archers, irrespective of age, ability or bow type (scores differ by bow type).


The Rules:
  • Archery GB rules of shooting apply. Six sighters to be followed immediately by three dozen scored arrows.

  • 5-zone scoring (Gold = 9, Red = 7, Blue = 5, Black = 3, White = 1, Miss = M = 0) using a 122cm target face.

  • The three dozen arrows may be shot alone or as part of a longer recognised Imperial round.

  • Competition scorecards may be submitted if the relevant three dozen arrows and distance are clearly identified.

  • Badges may be claimed in any sequence, though we encourage you to start at 20 yards to assess your progress and collect the set!

  • Scores must be achieved twice to qualify for the award.

  • Qualifying scores for a given distance must be shot on different days.

  • To make an award claim 2 signed and witnessed score sheets need to be submitted to the Secretary.

  • Badges will be presented to successful archers following submission of 2 qualifying scorecards, or can be collected from the Secretary.  

  • Badges cost £2.00 each.



Target Scores

Sample badge:

Red - 50 yards

© 2015 Kirton in Lindsey Archery Club.

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